Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt Calories and Price

Waffle House Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese sandwich contains 730 calories. What is the origin of the bacon egg and cheese?

Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt

$6.25 | 730 Calories

The Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese sandwich offered at Waffle House contains 730 calories. This melt sandwich is a combination of bacon, egg, and cheese, usually served on a toasted choice sandwich, and is one of the most popular choices on Waffle House’s menu.

Calories 730WeightPercentage
Total Fat51 g12%
Saturated Fat20 g35%
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol245 mg0%
Sodium1680 mg4%
Total Carbohydrate39 g6%
Dietary Fiber2 g4%
Sugars5 g
Protein26 g
Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt Calories

Calorie Burn Time

The exact amount of time it takes to burn off 730 calories of Waffle House Texas Bacon, Egg & Cheese Melt depends on individual factors such as weight, age, gender, and fitness level. However, as a general guideline, it would take approximately 85 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or jogging, to burn off 730 calories.

Here are some examples of activities and the amount of time it would take to burn off 730 calories:

  • Brisk walking: 85 minutes
  • Jogging: 65 minutes
  • Biking: 65 minutes
  • Swimming: 70 minutes
  • Dancing: 70 minutes
  • Strength training: 85 minutes

Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt Calories Breakdown

  • Fat: 63.8%
  • Protein: 14.5%
  • Carbohydrates: 21.7%

How Many Calories In Waffle House Texas Bacon Egg And Cheese?

A Waffle House Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese sandwich contains 730 calories.

What Is The Origin Of The Bacon Egg And Cheese?

The bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich originated in the 1800s when British street vendors started selling “bap” sandwiches, which included egg and meat on a soft roll. It later became popular in the United States as factories emerged.

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