Chicken Biscuit Waffle House Calories & Price

Calories and price of Chicken Biscuit Waffle House for only USD 5.15. This delicious menu item is affordable without sacrificing flavor. With 520 calories, it provides a substantial meal choice for individuals seeking a filling brunch or breakfast.

CHICKEN BISCUIT calories and price

Do you want to step it up a bit? You may upgrade your plate with an egg for an additional US$0.40, adding 90 extra calories of richness.

Do you want something extremely corny?

For an additional US$0.50, you can add a slice of American cheese to your meal and experience an extra 100 calories of deliciousness.

For a genuinely fulfilling start to your day, tuck into some Springer Mountain Farms Grilled Chicken Breast served over a warm grilled biscuit.

US$5.15/520 Calories

Calories WeightPercentage
Total Fat27.5 g42%
Saturated Fat14.5 g73%
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol90 mg30%
Sodium1830 mg76%
Total Carbohydrate35 g12%
Dietary Fiber2 g
Sugars1 g
Protein34 g
Chicken Biscuit Waffle House Calories

Calories Burn Time

How long would it take to burn off 520 Calories of Waffle House Chicken Biscuit?

The exact amount of time it takes to burn off 520 calories of Waffle House Chicken Biscuit depends on a variety of factors, including your weight, age, gender, and fitness level. However, as a general rule of thumb, it would take approximately 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or jogging, to burn off 520 calories.

Here are some examples of activities and the amount of time it would take to burn off 520 calories:

  • Brisk walking: 60 minutes
  • Jogging: 45 minutes
  • Biking: 45 minutes
  • Swimming: 50 minutes
  • Dancing: 50 minutes
  • Strength training: 60 minutes

Chicken Biscuit Calorie Breakdown

  • Fat: 47.3%
  • Protein: 26.0%
  • Carbohydrates: 26.7%

What Is A Chicken Biscuit?

A chicken biscuit is a breakfast item consisting of a boneless chicken breast seasoned, hand-breaded, and pressure-cooked in 100% refined peanut oil, served on a freshly baked buttermilk biscuit. It contains 460 calories and 23g of fat.

Chicken Biscuit Waffle House

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